Maldini, A. C., M. L. Calvo, A. Schlinder, V. Ojeda Heredia, R. De Marco, G. M. Esquivel Forlin, J. P. González, S. B. Apoloni, M. Burgos, C. E. López, S. Fábregues, L. E. Roccatagliata, S. Ramos, L. A. García, and L. M. Milikowski. “IXX Conference of the Graduate Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society. Topic: ‘Diabetes Mellitus and Non-Classical organs’. Table 2: Gastrointestinal Pathologies and Diabetes Mellitus”. Journal of the Argentine Society of Diabetes, vol. 57, no. 1, Apr. 2023, pp. 34-53, doi:10.47196/diab.v57i1.680.