6 voices in 10 minutes: Diabetes education in the transition


  • Florencia Grabois San Lucas Pediatric Clinic, Alto Valle de Río Negro and Neuquén Branch, Argentina




diabetes education, teenagers


6 voices in 10 minutes: Expanding the horizons of education

Diabetes education in the transition

Adolescence is a period of changes in the growth, development and formation of the individual's personality.

During this stage, the adolescent with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) travels a path, begun in childhood with his family, towards self-care and autonomy that he will finally achieve in adulthood. On this path you find new spaces for socialization and situations different from those raised in childhood, such as social activities with peers, the development of sexuality, exposure to substance consumption, living alone or starting to work, among others, which must be taken into account. taken into account when planning diabetes education.

Author Biography

Florencia Grabois, San Lucas Pediatric Clinic, Alto Valle de Río Negro and Neuquén Branch, Argentina

Pediatrician, Diabetes and Nutrition Unit San Lucas Pediatric Clinic


- Cameron FJ, Garvey K, Hood KK, Acerini CL, Codner E. ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines 2018: Diabetes in adolescence. Pediatr Diabetes 2018;19(Suppl. 27):250–261https://doi.org/10.1111/pedí

- American Diabetes Association. Children and adolescents. Diabetes Care. 2017; 40(suppl 1):S105-S113.

- Ramos O, Ferraro M. Diabetes mellitus en niños y adolescentes. Ediciones Journal. 2015.



How to Cite

Grabois, F. (2023). 6 voices in 10 minutes: Diabetes education in the transition. Journal of the Argentine Society of Diabetes, 54(3Sup), 83–83. https://doi.org/10.47196/diab.v54i3Sup.359



6 voices in 10 minutes part 4

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