Transcultural adaptation and validation of the spanish version of the treatment burden questionnaire for people with mellitus type 2 diabetes that attend to primary health care centers within the public health care system. San Juan
diabetes mellitus type 2, validation study, surveys and questionnaires, quality of life, workloadAbstract
Introduction: the Treatment Burden Questionnaire (TBQ) assess the load that implies the self-care for people with chronic diseases and the impact that medical assistance produce in their quality of life.
Objectives: to adapt and psychometrically validate the spanish version of the TBQ-multiple sclerosis questionnaire to the diabetes mellitus (DM) context in patients treated in the Argentinian public health sector.
Materials and methods: analytic study of transcultural adaptation and psychometric validation of a questionnaire. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were performed. Concurrent criterion validity was evaluated through Pearson correlation with three scales (WHO-5, PHQ-9, Morisky-Green Test). Reliability was evaluated through Cronbach's alpha coefficient, composite reliability, and average variance extracted.
Results: 256 people participated. The adapted version was adequately understood by the target population. EFA (n=100) allowed for the hypothesis of four domains: 1) pharmacological treatment; 2) healthcare/health system; 3) maintenance of a lifestyle and its economic impact; 4) psychosocial sphere. In the CFA (n=156), the factor loadings of 87.5% (14/16) of the items were greater than 0.5 with statistical significance. An inverse correlation (-0.46; p=0.0002) with the WHO-5 index and a direct correlation (0.36; p=0.0046) with the PHQ-9 scale were documented. Patients categorized as “non-adherent” by the Morisky-Green-Levine scale had a TBQ-DM score of 16.99 (95% CI: 0.95 to 33.03) points higher than patients categorized as “adherent” (p=0.0383). The internal consistency of the questionnaire was very good (Cronbach's alpha: 0.87), its composite reliability was acceptable, and its divergent validity was low.
Conclusions: the spanish TBQ adapted to DM2 has acceptable pyshcometric properties. Its implementation can help offer a person-centered care.
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