Symposium 15: Rheumatological disorders
musculoskeletal conditions, diabetesAbstract
Symposium 15: Other conditions and diabetes
Rheumatological disorders
The broad spectrum of musculoskeletal conditions related to diabetes is variable. Next, we will describe the most frequent rheumatological manifestations:
1. Diabetic cheiroarthropathy: characterized by the loss of joint mobility, mainly of the hands, in a painless manner and with loss of functionality. The tendency is to affect the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal muscles, and less frequently the elbows, wrists, and knees. The prevalence varies in a range of 8 to 50%, more related to type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) and poor glycemic control. The diagnosis is mainly clinical, with the positive “prayer” maneuver. Regarding treatment, it includes: NSAIDs, FKT and eventually decompressive surgery.
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Dirección Nacional de Derecho de Autor, Exp. N° 5.333.129. Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial, Marca «Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Diabetes - Asociación Civil» N° de concesión 2.605.405 y N° de disposición 1.404/13.
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