Epidemiological, psychosocial and therapeutic vision of diabetes mellitus in Argentina from the perspectives of health team and people with diabetes


  • Jorge Federico Elgart National University of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Enzo Rucci National University of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Juan José Gagliardino National University of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina




unsatisfied needs, quality of care, adherence to treatment, accessibility, medications and supplies


Introduction: diabetes mellitus (DM) generates a heavy socioeconomic burden, and to address it, it is necessary to investigate its possible conditioning factors to achieve effective control, prevention, and treatment.
Objectives: to understand the problem of diabetes in Argentina, from the perspective of health professionals and people with DM and the strategies to improve it.
Materials and methods: it was implemented a descriptive study with qualitative methodology based on the metaplan technique. A questionnaire was designed with two questions (What are, in your opinion, the problems faced by diabetes in our country?, What strategies would you use to solve them?), which was distributed to health professionals and people with DM via the Internet of their respective Societies during JuneJuly 2021. The participants (adults, residents of Argentina) had to answer up to 4 alternatives in each question. All the responses received were reviewed, grouped by topic and analyzed/ quantified using descriptive techniques, expressing the results as percentages.
Results: the final sample included 404 professionals from the health team and 272 people with DM: mostly with type 1 DM. The analysis shows that there is: a) a poor organization of coverage; b) a predominance of unhealthy habits; c) scarce provision of structured diabetes education, which makes it difficult to diagnose and adequately treat, and train patients to participate actively and efficiently in the control and treatment of their disease; d) there is a deficient quality of care.
Conclusions: our results, similar to those obtained in other countries, suggest that the solution strategies would go through the restructuring of medical training, achieving a harmonious balance between the primary level of care and the specialties, adding a decrease in the psychological burden of the patient. It would be facilitated by the harmonious cooperation of educational institutions and scientific societies. Likewise, through a consensual intervention of different sectors of society.

Author Biographies

Jorge Federico Elgart, National University of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Deputy Researcher of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET)

Enzo Rucci, National University of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Center for Experimental and Applied Endocrinology, National Council for Scientific and Technical Research, Center Associated with the Scientific Research Commission of the Province of Buenos Aires, Institute for Research in Informatics, National University of La Plata, Scientific Research Commission of the Province of Buenos Aires

Juan José Gagliardino, National University of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Center for Experimental and Applied Endocrinology, National Council for Scientific and Technical Research and Center Associated with the Scientific Research Commission of the Province of Buenos Aires


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How to Cite

Elgart, J. F., Rucci, E., & Gagliardino, J. J. (2022). Epidemiological, psychosocial and therapeutic vision of diabetes mellitus in Argentina from the perspectives of health team and people with diabetes. Journal of the Argentine Society of Diabetes, 56(1), 31–37. https://doi.org/10.47196/diab.v56i1.518



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