P10 Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting blood glucose at the time of pancreatic cancer diagnosis, in a group of patients assisted at a gastroenterological reference center in Argentina


  • Ana Florencia Costa Gastroenterology Hospital Dr. Carlos Bonorino Udaondo, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Mercedes María Mon Ratti Barceló Foundation, Faculty of Medicine, Specialization IN Nutrition, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Andrea La Cava Barceló Foundation, Faculty of Medicine, Specialization IN Nutrition, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Julieta Nosetto Barceló Foundation, Faculty of Medicine, Specialization IN Nutrition, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Velia Alicia Löbbe Gastroenterology Hospital Dr. Carlos Bonorino Udaondo, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Marcela Caraballido Gastroenterology Hospital Dr. Carlos Bonorino Udaondo, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina




diabetes, fasting blood glucose, pancreatic cancer


Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is considered to be a risk factor for the development of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC).

Objectives: Describe the prevalence of DM and of impaired fasting glucose (IFG) at the diagnosis of PDAC, among patients assisted in a gastroenterological reference center; Analyze differences in personal and nutritional characteristics in patients with both PDAC and DM; with both PDAC and IFG; and with PDAC but neither DM nor IFG; (3) Determine the time lapse between the diagnosis of DM and the diagnosis of PDAC.

Material and methods: Between October 2019 and March 2020, we analyzed 465 clinical records of PDAC-diagnosed patients over 18 years, from Oncology and Nutrition Sections.

Results: 171 clinical records (36.7 %) showed both PDAC and DM; 294 clinical records (63.2 %) showed PDAC but not DM. In 45.1% of the former, the interval between the diagnosis of DM and that of PDAC was <1 year, and in 17.65%, 15.69% and 21.57%, the lapses corresponded to 1 and 5 years, between 5 and 10 years y >10 years, respectively.

Conclusion: The prevalence of DM in PDAC patients (37 %) is higher than that .registered in the overall population (12.7 %), reaching a 45.10 % when detected during the first year of oncological diagnosis. Our results match the international literature relating recently-diagnosed DM with the presence of PDAC, as effect of shared risk factors between both diseases, or DM pathophysiology factors, or DM pharmacological therapeutic.

Author Biography

Julieta Nosetto, Barceló Foundation, Faculty of Medicine, Specialization IN Nutrition, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Nutrition specialist career, Faculty of Medicine



How to Cite

Costa, A. F., Mon Ratti, M. M., La Cava, A., Nosetto, J., Löbbe, V. A., & Caraballido, M. (2023). P10 Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting blood glucose at the time of pancreatic cancer diagnosis, in a group of patients assisted at a gastroenterological reference center in Argentina. Journal of the Argentine Society of Diabetes, 54(3Sup), 115–115. https://doi.org/10.47196/diab.v54i3Sup.391



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