Management of Diabetes in extreme situations: natural disasters, enclosure situations




diabetes, extreme situations


The catastrophe is a natural (drought, flood, hurricane, earthquake) or human (with armed conflict, nuclear accident) event that acts as a trigger for a crisis. The disaster consists of the impact of that crisis and its human, social and economic consequences. A catastrophe triggers a disaster by acting on a pre-existing situation of vulnerability, when the affected community does not have the necessary capacities to execute the coping strategies with which to resist such a process.

Author Biography

Carolina Gómez Martín, Comprehensive Center of Endocrinology and Diabetes (CENDIA), Concordia, Entre Ríos, Argentina

Medical specialist in Internal Medicine (University of Buenos Aires, UBA), specialized in Diabetes (Argentine Diabetes Society, SAD), Co-director of Cendia


Diccionario de Acción Humanitaria y Cooperación al Desarrollo. Disponible en:

Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Los desastres naturales y la protección de la salud. Washington. OPS, 2000.

Fonseca V, et al. American Diabetes Association Statement on emergency and disaster preparedness. A report of disaster task force. Diabetes Care 2007; Vol 30: 9.

Fonseca V, Smith H, Kuhadiva N, Leger S, Yau L, et al. Impact of a natural disaster on diabetes exacerbation of disparities and long-term consequences. Diabetes Care 2009; 32:1632-1638.

Kishimoto M, Noda M. Diabetes care: after the great east Japan earthquake. Journal of Diabetes Investigation 2013; Vol 4, Issue 1.

Gómez-Martín C, Muratore C, Pomares ML. Recomendaciones para el manejo de la diabetes mellitus durante las catástrofes. SAD 2017. Disponible en:



How to Cite

Gómez Martín, C. (2023). Management of Diabetes in extreme situations: natural disasters, enclosure situations. Journal of the Argentine Society of Diabetes, 53(2Sup), 27.



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