Diabetic autonomic neuropathy: little known clinical manifestations


  • Carolina Domínguez Carlos G. Durand General Acute Hospital. Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Claudia Flores Dr. José Penna Interzonal General Hospital, Bahía Blanca, Province of Buenos Aires. Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Graciela Fuente Carlos G. Durand General Acute Hospital, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Concepción García Carlos G. Durand General Acute Hospital. Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Marcela Giménez Rey Governor Domingo Mercante Hospital, José C. Paz, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Fernanda Huber Carlos G. Durand General Acute Hospital. Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Solange Houssay San Camilo Clinic. Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Maricel Recalde British Hospital; Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Raquel Urdaneta Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina




diabetes, autonomic neuropathy, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, bladder dysfunction


Chronic neuropathy is the most prevalent of the diabetic complications. Distal and symmetric sensitive polyneuropathy, and autonomic compromise, particularly cardiac autonomic neuropathy,are the most studied; occasionally they are asymptomatic.

Like diabetic patients, prediabetics can also develop neuropathy. Prevention is a key component in these complications.

Autonomic neuropathy affects several body´s organs and systems. Our goal is to describe those less known clinical manifestations, and because of this, less considered complications that affect cardiovascular, gastrointestinal system and bladder functioning.

Author Biographies

Carolina Domínguez, Carlos G. Durand General Acute Hospital. Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Physician specialist in Internal Medicine and Nutrition, Master in Diabetes, Carlos G. Durand General Acute Hospital; Member of the Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017, CABA

Claudia Flores, Dr. José Penna Interzonal General Hospital, Bahía Blanca, Province of Buenos Aires. Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Physician specialist in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, Dr. José Penna Interzonal General Hospital, Bahía Blanca; Member of the Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017

Graciela Fuente, Carlos G. Durand General Acute Hospital, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Medical specialist in Nutrition, specialized in Diabetes; Head of the Nutrition Unit Carlos G. Durand General Acute Hospital; Member of the Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017

Concepción García, Carlos G. Durand General Acute Hospital. Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Physician specializing in Internal Medicine and Nutrition, specialized in Diabetes, Carlos G. Durand General Acute Hospital; Member of the Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017

Marcela Giménez Rey, Governor Domingo Mercante Hospital, José C. Paz, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Physician specialist in Internal Medicine and Nutrition, Hospital Gobernador Domingo Mercante, José C. Paz; Member of the Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017

Fernanda Huber, Carlos G. Durand General Acute Hospital. Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Physician specializing in Internal Medicine, specialized in Diabetes, Carlos G. Durand General Acute Hospital; Member of the Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017

Solange Houssay, San Camilo Clinic. Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Physician specializing in Internal Medicine and Nutrition, specialized in Diabetes, San Camilo Clinic; Member of the Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017

Maricel Recalde, British Hospital; Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Physician specializing in Internal Medicine and Nutrition, specialized in Diabetes, British Hospital; Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017; Member of the Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017

Raquel Urdaneta, Diabetic Neuropathy Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society 2017, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Diabetologist; Nutritionist


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How to Cite

Domínguez, C., Flores, C., Fuente, G., García, C., Giménez Rey, M., Huber, F., Houssay, S., Recalde, M., & Urdaneta, R. (2023). Diabetic autonomic neuropathy: little known clinical manifestations. Journal of the Argentine Society of Diabetes, 52(2 (2018), 48–64. https://doi.org/10.47196/diab.v52i2.113

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