6 voices in 10 minutes: Psychosocial aspects of the elderly with diabetes mellitus


  • Olga Escobar Argentine Diabetes Society, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina




elderly, language, language


6 voices in 10 minutes: Psychosocial aspects and older adults

Psychosocial aspects of the elderly with diabetes mellitus

Psychosocial aspects must be taken into account in our daily praxis. Loneliness, anxiety, anguish, hopelessness, confusion and also wisdom, peace and well-being, long waits, are part of the daily lives of older adults. And if there is a diagnosis of diabetes, everything may be more difficult. Research has shown the importance of good communication skills and that appropriate use of language can benefit psychosocial well-being and support optimal self-care for people with diabetes.

Poor language practices can lead to stigma, lack of engagement in treatment, low satisfaction with care, and poor clinical outcomes.

Author Biography

Olga Escobar, Argentine Diabetes Society, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Physician, specialist in Endocrinology


- LIoyd CE, Wilson A, Holt RIG, C Whicher, P Kara, et al. Language matters: UK perspective. Diabetic Medicine 2018; 35(12):1635-1641.

- El Lenguaje Importa Latinoamérica 2019. Guía sobre la importancia del lenguaje utilizado por los que cuidan de personas con diabetes. Disponible en:https://www.idf.org/our-network/regions-members/south-and-central-america/south-and-central-america-news/300-el-lenguaje-importa.html-.

- Echeverría R. Ontología del Lenguaje 2005. Segundo postulado, Cap 1, pag 21.

- Lorente I. “Carol prefiere llamarse Carolina”. Documento (2018- 2019).



How to Cite

Escobar, O. (2023). 6 voices in 10 minutes: Psychosocial aspects of the elderly with diabetes mellitus. Journal of the Argentine Society of Diabetes, 54(3Sup), 66–66. https://doi.org/10.47196/diab.v54i3Sup.340



6 voices in 10 minutes part 3

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