Importance of the management of postprandial glucose in type 2 diabetes. Treatment and new therapeutics
type 2 diabetes, post-prandial glucose and GLP-1Abstract
Optimal glycemic control is important for reducing the risks of chronic complications in type 2 diabetic patients. However there are a high percentage of patients treated with insulin and /or oral diabetic drugs that do not achieve their glycated haemoglobin goals, particularly for elevated postprandial glucose.
Traditionally the management of patients with type 2 diabetes has focused on the therapeutic control of fasting plasma glucose, given the high correlation of it with glycosylated hemoglobin. There is currently extensive evidence to support that the postprandial glucose has a fundamental role in the sub-optimal glycemic control, with the complications that this entails.
The glycemic homeostasis is complex to achieve in patients with diabetes, and the therapy should be aimed at reset it. The principal objective of this review is to emphasize the importance of managing postprandial glucose in Type 2 diabetic patients, establish the current treatment and evaluate what would be the new therapeutics available.
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