6 voices in 10 minutes: Diabetes in the initial workplace


  • Liliana Trifone R. Gutiérrez Children's Hospital, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina




youths, job placement


6 voices in 10 minutes: Expanding the horizons of education

Diabetes in the initial workplace

In May 2008 Sebatien Sasseville became the first Canadian with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) to reach the summit of the 8,848 m high Mount Everest in the Himalayas. The message of this amazing feat in a patient with DM1 is about the real possibility of achieving those goals and achievements that we want in life as human beings, and this is linked to the work activity for which we consider ourselves fit, regardless of the disease itself.

There are numerous studies that demonstrated the negative impact of DM1 on access to the labor market. It has been estimated that childhood-onset DM1 produces a 9 to 10% reduction in labor income in individuals aged 27 to 32 years. The effect on earnings increases with age and duration of illness. The factors related to the work/diabetes dyad are: access to health, self-care, level of education, university, choice of career and occupation, chronicity of diabetes and risk of complications. According to Palladino et al. Having diabetes is associated with low life satisfaction and less vital drive in emerging adults (18-25 years old) and young adults (25-30 years old). In 1984 the American Diabetes Association stated: “Any person with insulin-treated or untreated diabetes may be eligible for employment for which he/she qualifies without restriction.” Diabetes does not initially represent any disadvantage for the performance of a job (ADA, 2014). ISPAD (2018) states that the majority of young people with diabetes should have good jobs due to their abilities to organize their life and care. Do not hide the DM or information from the employer by the medical team and reaffirm that the DM is not a disadvantage in employment; Discuss and analyze which jobs are not recommended according to the legal regulations of each country. New technologies have changed some restrictions; young people can be an excellent employee if they have demonstrated self-care, discipline and responsibility.

Author Biography

Liliana Trifone, R. Gutiérrez Children's Hospital, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Pediatrician, specialist in Nutrition and Childhood Diabetes; Head of Nutrition and Diabetes Section R. Gutiérrez Children's Hospital


- ADA. Position Statement Diabetes and employement. Diabetes Care 2014; Vol 37.

- Persson S. Why childhood Diabetes impacts labour market outcomes: a mediation analysis. Diabetología 2018; 61:342-353.

- ISPAD Guidelines 2018.



How to Cite

Trifone, L. (2023). 6 voices in 10 minutes: Diabetes in the initial workplace. Journal of the Argentine Society of Diabetes, 54(3Sup), 84–84. https://doi.org/10.47196/diab.v54i3Sup.360



6 voices in 10 minutes part 4

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