Symposium 4: Continuous glucose monitoring


  • Adriana Flores Argentine Diabetes Society, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina



diabetes, self-monitoring of glycemia


Symposium 4: Biology and technology in the treatment of diabetes

Continuous glucose monitoring

The results of the T1D Exchange's study of 2019, comparing the outcomes of data collected on 2010-2012 and 2016-2018, proof that only 21% of the participants reach the 7% A1c target and that the adolescent group worsened their metabolic control. Moreover, hypoglycemia is still a restricting factor that prevents reaching optimal glycemic control. 

According to the recommendations of ADA 2020, ISPAD 2018 and other scientific associations, glycemic self-monitoring and a structured education is crucial for patients with diabetes. Self-monitoring should be performed either with a glucose meter, 6 to 10 times per day, or by using different available systems of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) related or not to insulin pumps.

Author Biography

Adriana Flores, Argentine Diabetes Society, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Physician, Pediatric Committee of the Argentine Diabetes Society


- Foster NC, et al. State of Type 1 Diabetes Management and Outcomes from the T1D Exchange in 2016–2018 Diabetes Technol Ther 2019 febr; 21 (2): 66–72.

- Standards of Medical Care of Diabetes. January 01 2020; volume 43 issue Supplement Diabetes Care. 2020.

- ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines 2018. Pediatric Diabetes October 2018; 19 (Suppl. 27).

- Battelino T, et al. Clinical Targets for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data Interpretation: Recommendations From the International Consensus on Time in Range Diabetes Care 2019 42: 1593-603.



How to Cite

Flores, A. (2023). Symposium 4: Continuous glucose monitoring. Journal of the Argentine Society of Diabetes, 54(3Sup), 26–26.