6 voices in 10 minutes: Education in sports
diabetes, physical activityAbstract
6 voices in 10 minutes: Broadening the horizons of education
Education in sports
When we start talking about sports education, there are many points to take into account to convey to patients, but we are going to focus on the main barrier to exercising, which is the fear of hypoglycemia, and how we can try to prevent it or if it occurs. be as mild as possible.
•Type of exercise: as we know, not all exercises have the same impact on blood glucose at the time of performing them, whether aerobic, anaerobic or mixed, but yes, after performing it it tends to lower blood glucose because the muscle must replace the glycogen it consumed.
- Adolfsson P, et al. ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines 2018: Exercise in children and adolescents with diabetes. Pediatric Diabetes October 2018; 19 (Suppl. 27): 205–226.
- Zaharieva DP, Riddell MC. Insulin Management Strategies for Exercise in Diabetes. Can J Diabetes 41 (2017) 507–516.
- Livny R, et al. Identifying sources of support and barriers to physical activity in pediatric type 1 diabetes. DOI: 10.1111/pedi.12938.
- Moser O, et al. Glucose Management for Exercise using Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) and Intermittently. Scanned CGM (isCGM) Systems in Type 1 Diabetes – Position Statement of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) and of the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD).
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