Before, during and after, what else to say about the CAD at the debut?


  • Mariana Prieto Juan P. Garrahan Pediatric Hospital, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina



diabetic ketoacidosis, treatment


Biochemical criteria to diagnose diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) include:

  • Serum bicarbonate <18 mmol/L.
  • Infusion of initial fluid bolus(es) over 20–30 min.
  • Promoting a rise in serum sodium concentrations during DKA treatment is no longer considered necessary.
  • Increased emphasis on differences in treatment recommendation for HHS and mixed presentation of DKA and HHS (hyperosmolar DKA) compared to standard DKA treatment, by ISPAD 2022, we have GAP guide whit Biochemical criteria to diagnose diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), we have our guides GAP with certain differences.

Author Biography

Mariana Prieto, Juan P. Garrahan Pediatric Hospital, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Pediatrician specialized in Child Nutrition


I. ISPAD. Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines 2022.

II. GUIAS GAP. Hospital de Pediatría J. P. Garrahan.

III. Kuppermann N, et al. Clinical trial of fluid infusion rates for pediatric diabetic ketoacidosis. N Engl J Med 2018 Jun 14;378(24):2275-2287.



How to Cite

Prieto, M. (2023). Before, during and after, what else to say about the CAD at the debut?. Journal of the Argentine Society of Diabetes, 57(3Sup), 7–7.



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